A HA! — 8 Minutes of Light

Breaking News! The Sun is angry! When the Sun gets really angry, would it explode with a chee-ba-bom? And if the Sun is gone, what happens to planet Earth?

Join lovable hero A Ha as he embarks on an epic quest to find the sun and save the world. A HA! — 8 Minutes of Light combines audience participation, clowning, and percussion for a hilarious and hijinks-filled adventure!

Presented by the team behind The Theatre Practice’s award-winning Theatre For Young Audiences productions, this interactive performance encourages audiences to imagine a positive future in the face of the climate crisis — the importance of overcoming indifference and the significant impact of our individual actions.

You have 8 minutes before total darkness. Yes, just 8 minutes.

What will you do?

大事不妙!太阳生气了!太阳生气会不会气到 JEE-BA-BOOM…… 爆炸??如果太阳真的爆炸,地球没有了太阳,会怎么样?

跟着可爱的英雄 A Ha,一同踏上寻找太阳、拯救世界的史诗远征。结合观众参与、小丑表演和打击乐,《A HA!——8分钟的光明》将为你带来一场充满欢乐和娱乐“笑”果的冒险!


地球将陷入一片黑暗,你们只剩下…… 8分钟!只剩下8分钟……


Get your tickets here: bit.ly/2025AHA 

Check out the full festival lineup at https://practice.bigtix.io/

Use promo code [UPOPPCTF25] upon checkout to enjoy the discount from 14 Jan - 11 Apr! Minimum purchase of 2 tickets. Limited discount redemptions available.

Valid till 20 April 2025